Chemical and Nutritional Assessment of Burghul Grains )Triticum Durum L.)

Document Type : Original Article


Food Science and Technology Dept.Nasser's Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Aden University


The present investigation was carried out in an attempt to clearly the chemical and nutritional assessment of Burghul grains as a functional food. The study included the determination of proximate chemical composition, starch, minerals, dietary fibers, vitamins composition, and the amino acid pattern. Meanwhile, computation of the chemical scores of its protein (CS). The results showed that the components of Burghulgrains had 9.51 % of crude protein, 5.31% of crude extract ether, 1.27% of total ash and 1.21 of crude fibers and 82.79% of digested carbohydrates. Also, starch content of Burghul grains was 80.02%. The dietary fibers content was: 36 .78% for NDF and 2.21% for ADF, (On dry weight of dry basis).
Mineral composition of Burghul grains showed that the calcium content was the highest among the studied minerals being (1186.38 mg/kg) followed by magnesium (752.45 (mg/kg.) (On dry weight of dry basis). Morefore, it was found that  Burghul grains  were high in folic acid content 14.38 mg/100gm) and  niacin ( 7.40 (mg/100gm), while, it was low in pyridoxine ( 0. 14 (mg/100gm).
The protein of Burghul grains contain 18 amino acids including all the essential amino acids. For the nonessential amino acids glutamic acid and proline were found in highest amount among all the amino acids pattern being (32.90 g/100g protein ) and (12.10 g/100g protein ). As for the essential amino acids, leucine and valin were the high amounts, 5.90 g/100g protein, 4.10 g/100g protein, respectively, comparing with FAO /WHO pattern (2007). Lysine was found to be the first limiting amino acid (0.56) which is typical for cereals.


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