The Impact of The Mawaddah Initiative on Changing Misconceptions About Marriage Among University Youth (A Case Study on Students of The Faculty of Agriculture,Ain Shams University)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Rural sociology, faculty of agriculture, Ain shams university, cairo, Egypt.

2 department of rural sociology agriculture extension faculty of agriculture ain shams university


The study aimed to identify the level of knowledge of the social, health, and religious dimensions of marriage in the study sample, and study the differences in the level of knowledge of the social, health, and religious dimensions of marriage according to the variables of the study, identify the level of the contribution of training in correcting misperceptions of marriage in the study sample, And to identify the factors affecting the contribution of training in correcting misperceptions of marriage in the study sample and among the independent variables studied.
The data was collected through an electronic questionnaire that was published among students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, and reached about 795 students during the months of March and April 2024.
Frequency tables, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and chi-square test were used using the Spss program for statistical analysis.
The results showed that the respondents have a high level of knowledge of the social, health, and religious dimensions of marriage, and that there are differences between the average level of knowledge of the dimensions according to the following variables (gender, attendance of training), and that the level of contribution of training in correcting misperceptions of marriage is high, and that the factors affecting the level of contribution of training In correcting misperceptions of marriage, the study sample includes: (educational level, age, average monthly family income, educational status of the father, degree of benefit from training, level of knowledge of social, economic, and religious dimensions).


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