Social Variables Affecting the Reproductive Behavior of Rural Women in Some of Villages Sohag Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Rural Society research department- Agricultural Extension and Rural Development- Research Institute- Agricultural research center

2 Rural Women research department- Agricultural Extension and Rural Development- Research Institute Agricultural research center


The research aimed to identify the level of reproductive behavior of rural women in some villages of Sohag Governorate, determine the degree of relative contribution of some of the social variables studied in explaining the variation in the degrees of reproductive behavior, identify the most important obstacles faced by rural women while achieving a high level of reproductive behavior. The research was conducted in the centers of Juhayna and Sagalta and a deliberate sample (145) of wives from the age of (18-49) years. The data was collected using a questionnaire collected in a personal interview and the data was processed using the statistical program SPPS and the most important results: that more than two-thirds of the respondents level of their reproductive behavior between low and medium, where the percentage of respondents in the level of low reproductive behavior (32.4%) and the percentage of respondents who into the category of the level of average reproductive behavior amounted to (48.3%) and the percentage of respondents who into the category of high level of reproductive behavior amounted to (19.3%). The results indicate that there is a positive moral relationship between the educational status variable, the cultural openness variable, the social class variable, the participation in decision-making variable, and high reproductive behavior, and that there is a negative moral relationship between the variable of the tendency towards having male children and the social values ​​variable, and the high reproductive behavior of the female respondents. The results also indicate that the percentage of female respondents who face the obstacle of high detection and treatment costs reached (82.8 %), the percentage of female respondents who face the obstacle of the husband’s desire to have more boys reached (77.0 %), and the percentage of female respondents who face the obstacle of the husband’s refusal to consult the wife with others on matters.  Related to childbearing amounted to (69.0 %).                                                                                               


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