Systems Analysis by Graph-theoretic Technique: Assessment of Institutional Linkages in the Irrigation Innovation System in Minia Governorate, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, New Valley University

2 Department of Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

3 Department of Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

4 Department of Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, New Valley University, Kharga, Egypt


The research aimed to assessing the institutional linkages among the components of irrigation innovation system (IIS) in Minia Governorate. Data were collected during the period from Dec. 2022 to Feb. 2023 via questionnaire form through personal interview of 216 respondents representing the seventeen studied components of the IIS in Minia Governorate. The Graph-theoretic Tanique was used to data analysis and presentation. The results showed that there were 131 existing linkages out of the total number of 272 linkages supposed to exist, the absence of 141 linkages, which led to a decrease in the system density to reach less than half of the linkages 0.48 within the system. It also turned out that the component of “irrigation development sector” is the most balanced component in the system. While the component of “policy makers” and the “the international development organizations” are the most influential components within the system, while the component of farmers and producers and agricultural cooperatives are the most affected components. It also became clear that the components most in need of reforming their situation within the system are the components of agricultural technical secondary school, the Department of Mechanics and Electricity, the private agricultural sector, and the agricultural drainage sector, because they are the least influential and affected components among the components of the system.


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