Response of Peanut to Some Kinds of Organic Fertilizers under Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

Document Type : Original Article


1 Water Requirements and Field Irrigation Department.

2 Plant Fertility Department.


Two field experiments were conducted at EL- Bustan area (Nubaria region) sandy calcareous soil in Two Successive summer seasons, 2007 -2008 and 2008-2009. The main objectives of this study were to test the effect of two irrigation system, (I1 = sprinkler irrigation and I2 = drip irrigation system with 100% of ETp), and 5 treatments of organic fertilizers with two system (sprinkler and drip) on peanut yield, oil percentage, water requirements, water consumption, water productivity. Results revealed that there were significant deference effects due to the interaction between the soluble organic fertilizers and two irrigation systems on the peanut production through the two growing seasons. The highest yield of peanut were 18.99 and 25.52  ardab /fed, in the first and second seasons, respectively with sprinkler system compared with drip irrigation system. Also, the highest peanut yields were 20.47 and 27.53 ardab/fed with soaked poultry glaucoma in two seasons respectively. Also, the effect of irrigation system on the oil% was in second season with sprinkler system, it was 48.2 and 46.2 % with sprinkler and drip irrigation system respectively. And the highest oil% with soaked pigeons manure it were 53.1 and 52.3 % in two growing season respectively. The water requirements for the irrigation  of 100% of ETp was 65.5 and 73.0 cm  with sprinkler irrigation system and 58.0 and 68.9 cm with the drip irrigation system in two growing seasons respectively. The highest values of water productivity were 1.32 kg peanut seeds/m3 applied irrigation water with sprinkler irrigation in the second season.


Main Subjects