Genetic Polymorphism between Natural Populations of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Based on Randomly Amplified Polymorphie DNA Markers

Document Type : Original Article


Animal and Fish Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture Saba Basha, Alexandria University


Nine natural population of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.,) were collected from different governorates in Egypt to calculate the genetic polymorphism with/within the different populations. Collected fish samples were subjected to DNA extraction using arbitrary short (10 nucleotides) primers randomly amplified polymorphie DNA -PCR. In a total of 726 amplification fragments; 430 were polymorphic and 296 were monomorphic with general genetic polymorphism percentage 59.23%. The recorded results indicated that there were high significant variations regarding the population from different location in Egypt. The genetic polymorphism in the different populations were (56.84%) in Marsa Matroh governorate: Siwa oasis (54.43%) and Al-Negelia (59.25%); (60.08%) in Alexandria governorate: Abis (59.34%), Alameryia (60.82%); (59.26%) in El-Beheria governorate: Nobariya (59.21%), Edko (58.02%), Rosetta (60.56%); Kafer Elshikh governorate: Desuq (59.64%) and 59.74% in Aswan governorate. The highest amplification fragments were recorded to OPN-10 (98), OPQ-14 (90) and OPM-5 (86) primers, in respect.


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