The Housing Environment and Its Relationship with Househoold Resources Manageme

Document Type : Original Article



The research aimed to examine the relationship between housing environment and an intended  inhabited research Sample chosen chance and comprising 300 by heads of household and management of its resources, and study sample consisted of (300) households at socio– economic standards of Garbiah Governoment .
 The research data was collected by a questionnaire containing three main paramelers
a)     Sample characteristies, b)housing environment  & c) means of Resources Management
  A summary of the most important reselt of the study:
- There are a positive correlation at the abstract level less than (0.01) between  the housing environment and all axes the questionnaire except management properties, hardware and tools.
- There are statistically significant differences between the heads of rural and urban households sample in each of the (design aspects – furnishing aspects - total residential environment) at significantly less than (0.05) for urban wives.
- The presence of statistically significant differences between the heads of rural and urban households sample in each of the (financial income management - management of capacity and skills) at significantly less than (0.05) for the benefit of rural wives.
- The presence of statistically significant differences between the heads of families working and non-working in both (aspects physical- furnishing aspects- total environment residential) in the abstract level less than (0.001, 0.05, 0.001), respectively, for female-headed households is working.
- The presence of statistically significant differences between the heads of families working and non-working sample in each of the (financial income management- time and effort management- the total for family resource management) at a level significantly less than (0.05) for the benefit of non-working wives.
- The existence of a statistically significant variation in the management of family housewife resources depending on the level of education of husband and wife at the abstract level less than (0.05, 0.01), respectively, for the top level.
- The existence of a statistically significant variation in the residential environment inhabited by heads of household and manage resources depending on the level of the family's monthly income at a level significantly less than (0.05, 0.001) for the top level.
Research Recommendations: In light of the outcome of the results of the current study The researcher recommends the following:
- Activating the role of the media through the work of special programs specifications good housing environment and ways to choose the right furniture to meet the correct housing needs and health of the individual and the family.
- Activate the role of the productivity unit in the faculties of Home Economics to cary on workshops and lectures for women to make them aware of ways of managing (income- time and effort- skills and abilities - of property and equipment and tools ..)
- Development of awareness and understanding of women (housewife) ways to manage their income and work to increase their awareness of savings thus contributing to increase family income and leading to the development of the country's national income.


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