The Effectiveness of A Guidance Program for Developming the Practies of Mothers with Intellectually Disabled Children at Home Safety Behaviors

Document Type : Original Article



Family members, particularly young children are exposed to dangers of many incidents that may lead to death as a result of serious injuries, which may be due ignorance and neglect or as a result of a lack of safety information among family members, this research aimed mainly to study the effectiveness of a program for developming practices of mothers with intellectually disabled children at home safety behaviors. data were optained through the application of research tools including (general data form, and a measure of home safety, behaviors. A program for developing the mothers practices in home safety) behaviors on a subjective sample (153) mothers of intellectually disabled child, from social and economic different levels. The most important findings are:
- There are significant differences at (0.01, 0.001) between the mean scores of mothers of  intellectually disabled children practices for home safety behaviors according to the family,s residence for the benefit of urban mothers, depending on the work of the mother in favor of working mothers.
- Theer are  statistically significant variation in levels of 0.05 and 0.001 between the mean scores of the mothers of children with disabilities practices of
      home safety behaviors according to some demographic variables of the family (the educational level of the mother, family size, monthly income of the family) in favor of mothers with higher education level (university and postgraduate), mothers of large families, the mothers of high-income families.
- There are significant differences at the level of significance of 0.001 between the level of home safety behaviors practices of the experimental sample before and after the post application of the program in favor of the dimensional application.
The study recommended the need for media attention, the video and audio to strengthen some of its episodes variety include the application of the content of the  prepared program (food safety behaviors, health safety behaviors, tools and household appliances safety behaviors and domestic fumiture safety behaviors) to sensitize the largest possible number of mothers of Egyptian families, which reflected positively on the behavior of other members of the community., interest in the educational level of the mother because of its positive effects on the level of awareness of the safe behaviors in home specially most of the causes of accidents in the home due to ignorance of safety and protection requirements. A researchers in the field of  in the field of home management and institutions should conduct several research studies and extension programs on intellectually disabled individuals and their families to identify their life problems and help them solve or reduce its effects.
Key words: the effectiveness of A Guidance Program  - the behavior of domestic security- intellectually disabled children


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