The Effect of Water Shortage on the Spatial Development in Al - Jaffara Region in Libya

Document Type : Original Article


1 Soil and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli, Libya

2 Soil and Water Department - Al Jafara University - Libya


This study research on the impact of the water shortage on the spatial development Al jfara area in Libya and the impact of water scarcity in the study on economic activity, especially agricultural activity, industrial and service sectors in the region, and the extent of the damage to the study area as a result of the lack of water and its impact on the average annual income, and the extent of benefit to provide study area source of another alternative water from outside the study area through reliance on reports of official statistics issued by the competent authorities of the state of Libya and analysis of statistical information.
In this study using of 150 Questionnaires distributed or housing owners concerning the sources of the waters of the houses where contained many of the questions that serve the study, as well as the allocation of the number of 96 Questionnaires allocated to owners of agricultural holdings and also contained many of the questions that serve the study in terms of the impact of the lack of water for agricultural production , It was also the distribution of the number of,11 questionnaires allocated factory owners raised many questions concerning the study of the impact of the water shortage on. It has been the analysis of information obtained from the questionnaires through the use of some descriptive of the recursive distribution and redundancies comparative advantage to display data specific to personal variables to the use of some of the methods of statistical tests other outcome.
It has been the analysis The information obtained from the questionnaires has been analyzed by using statistical methods descriptive of the recursive distribution and redundancies comparative advantage to display data specific to personal variables to the use of some of the methods of statistical tests other outcome. An analysis was also done for the data processing the program of statistical package of Social Sciences Statistical Package for Social Sciences - Version 21 SPSS).
It was found that there was a decline in the water available in some areas of the study as a result of either exposure overlapping sea water as in the northern part of the study area, or as a result of contamination of water wells drilled in this region as a result of the arrival pollutants, or because of the high increase in the contains some ions.
It was found that the water in agricultural and industrial the study area where it was noted that there was a concentration of the coastal areas of the study area and the low production rates units and the decline in the number of fruit trees in the whole area of the repercussions of the negative economic and social clear local production, agricultural and food has led to an increase in the need to cover the deficit of such materials.


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