Using Logistics Transportation Models for Optimal Distribution of Fresh Tilapia Fish among The Most Important Areas of Dakahlia Governorate..

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center - Arab Republic of Egypt.

2 Researchers-Agricultural Research Center - Agricultural Economics Research Institute – Egypt


The process of transporting and distributing agricultural products, especially perishable ones such as fresh fish, between different markets is one of the typical problems facing workers in the field of agricultural marketing. Therefore, the main problem of the study can be limited to the wide spread of main production and collection centers for fresh tilapia fish at the level of Lake Manzala, in contrast to the large distribution and spread of the main supply and consumption centers in Dakahlia Governorate, and in light of the limited and random transportation and distribution process. Accordingly, the study mainly aimed to reduce the costs of the service of transporting and distributing fresh tilapia fish by reducing the transportation distances between the main collection centers in Lake Manzala and the main need (consumption) areas at the level of the centers and regions of Dakahlia Governorate. The study relied on achieving its desired goal on using the linear programming method (transportation model) with the aim of optimally distributing resources, as well as shortening transportation distances to reduce transportation costs. The results of the study showed that the total costs of the transportation service after reducing them to the maximum possible extent were estimated at about 134,821.5 million pounds to transport and distribute 37,640 thousand tons of fish. Fresh tilapia on all main collection centers in Dakahlia Governorate as a result of using the transportation model to minimize total costs, by following the shortest paths, directions and roads. Therefore, the most important recommendations of the study were to provide marketing data and information related to logistics activities to benefit from them in conducting accurate economic studies used in changing transportation policies, especially for perishable goods (fresh duck fish) using transportation models. And the need for marketing bodies and automobile transportation associations to rely on scientific models when determining the tariff and costs of transporting perishable agricultural goods, using operations research methods in studies that address transportation logistics, especially for perishable goods (fresh duck fish) in order to reduce transportation costs to the maximum possible degree, and achieve the maximum possible return for the producer, marketer and consumer.


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