Genetic Variability and Flowering Intensity of Sugarcane Genotypes Affected by Agro-Climatic Conditions of Alexandria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sugar Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt

2 Physiol. Chem. Dept-Sugar Crops Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center

3 Breeding & Genetic Dept., Sugar Crops Research Institute. Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, Egypt.


In sugarcane breeding programs, flowering synchronization is most important for the success of the target hybridization. The study was undertaken with the objective of evaluating the flowering performance traits and synchronization of twenty-five sugarcane genotypes under agro-climatic conditions. The experiments were conducted at El-Sabahia Research Station (31o 12ʹ 54″ N 29o 58 ʹ 23″ E), Alexandria, Egypt, during the 2020/2021 season (first plant cane crop) and the 2021/2022 season (second plant cane crop). The experimental design used was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. As a result, the twenty-five assessed genotypes of sugarcane showed significant variation in how they responded to flowering throughout the two growth seasons. The total number and percentage of flowers, in addition to flowering dates, were indicators of flowering intensity. The majority of the investigated genotypes underwent natural flowering while the proportion of flowered genotypes varied depending on the first plant cane and the second plant crop. For every flowering trait in the current experiment, heritability estimates ranging from moderate to high were found. The results showed that flowering percentage contributes to a character with high phenotypic (PCV), genotypic (GCV( coefficient of variation, and heritability, together with an appropriate mean value. The results found that the genotypes named (CO.662, CP.31-294, BO 19, CP57-614, CO775, and CO1129) were flowered at close and synchronous dates and therefore can be used in breeding programs to produce new varieties.


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