Quality Properties of Pasta Fortification with legume Flour and Mallow (Malva parviflora L.) Leaves Powder

Document Type : Original Article


1 home economics-faculty of education- aswan university

2 Fellow of Therapeutic Nutrition, Gastrointestinal Surgery Center, Mansoura University


This study aimed to produce pasta fortified with legume flours (7% defatted soy flour and 7% chickpea flour) and mallow (Malva parviflora L.) leaves powder at concentrations of 0%, 4%, 8%, and 12%. The rheological properties of the composite dough were examined, along with the chemical composition, texture, color, and water activity of the uncooked pasta samples. Additionally, the cooking quality and sensory attributes of the pasta were evaluated. The results showed that the rheological properties of the composite dough, such as water absorption, dough development time, and arrival time, increased, while dough stability and dough weakening decreased with the addition of legume flours or increased levels of mallow leaves powder. Furthermore, adding legume flours or increasing the mallow leaves powder levels resulted in a gradual increase in protein, ash, fat, fiber, vitamins, and mineral content, while moisture and carbohydrate contents decreased in the uncooked pasta samples. Regarding color, the L*, a*, and b* values of the uncooked pasta samples gradually decreased with the addition of legume flour or higher levels of mallow leaves powder. The cooking quality, including weight gain, volume increase, and cooking time, improved, while cooking loss decreased with the addition of legume flours or higher levels of mallow leaves powder. Additionally, all sensory attributes of the pasta samples were acceptable. In conclusion, high-nutritional-value pasta with good quality characteristics can be produced by fortifying it with chickpea flour, defatted soy flour, and mallow leaves powder.


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