Response of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) plant to organic and bio fertilization under organic cultivation conditions

Document Type : Original Article


Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Department,- Desert Research Center


The global shift towards organic is driven by the growing demand for sustainable farming practices that promote environmental health, enhance soil fertility and produce harmful chemical-free food. Consumers are increasingly seeking organic products, leading to a significant expansion in organic farming worldwide. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of some organic (compost and vermicompost) at 15 t/ha and bio-fertilizer (Spirulina platensis algae extract) at 5 and 10 ml as foliar spraying on growth analysis and productivity of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) plants under organic cultivation conditions. The experiment was conducted over two seasons (2021/2022 and 2022/2023) in El-Sadat City, El Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Data indicated that applying compost, vermicompost and algae extract enhanced growth, seeds yield, oil content, carbohydrates, NPK content of leaves, total chlorophyll and fixed oil production of chia plants. The maximum values of these parameters were recoded when plants treated with vermicompost at 15 t/ha combined with 10 ml algae extract. These findings highlight the synergistic effects of vermicompost and algae extract, suggesting their potential as sustainable organic amendments to enhance growth, yield and oil content of chia plants. The study underscores the importance of integrating organic practices in agriculture to improve crop productivity and soil health sustainably.


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