Estimation of Carbon Stock for some Tree Species and Soil in Serabioum Plantation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agricultural Research Center, Horticulture Research Institute, Forestry and wood Technology Department, Antoniades Gardens, Alexandria, Egypt.

2 Institute of Silviculture, Technische Universität München


Field experiment was carried out at Serapium plantation that irrigated with treated sewage water, to study the productivity and carbon stock of three of the most wide planted tree species in Egypt, Corymbia citriodora, Khaya senegalensis and Casuarina equisetifolia aged 5,11 and 7 years old, within a close range of total height and dbh in 2013. Results showed that one feddan of Khaya senegalensis or Casuarina equisetifolia gave the same amount of total stored carbon (tree biomass, litter layer and soil organic carbon) 34.7 and 34.4 Ton C/feddan.  While, one feddan of Corymbia citriodora gave 15.8 ton C. the highest annual increment of growing volume, biomass and stored carbon were recorded in Casuarina equisetifolia followed byCorymbia citriodora While, Khaya senegalensis had the lowest value. Main stem volume can be used to predict stored carbon in tree biomass with a high correlation coefficient (R2). Also, both of root/shoot ratio (R) and biomass expansion factor (BEF) were calculated to estimate standing trees biomass.


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