Document Type : Original Article
Department of Soil and Agricultural Chemistry, Facultyof Agriculture, Saba Basha, Alexandria University Egypt.
Department of Field Crops Research, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
Department of sugar crops, Agricultural Research Center, Elsabahia, Alexandria, Egypt.
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of chicken manure at zero, 10 and 20 ton/fed.rates and biofertilization (phosphate dissolving bacteria PDB (Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum inoculation)) on growth, chemical composition, yield and sugar quality of two sugar beet varieties ('Lados' and 'T
WS 1436'). The experiment was carried out at South Tahrir Region – El-Behira during the two successive growing winter seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The experimental design used was a split split plot with four replicates. All data showed that Lados gave the highly significant difference compared to TWS 1436 in all growth attributes and sugar beet quality parameters except for purity%, Na% and extractable sucrose%. Also, the results showed that with increasing chicken manure rates from control to 10 and 20 ton/fed. , the means of growth attributes and sugar beet quality parameters tended to increase significantly at the different sample dates in both seasons, except T.S.S.% and A.C. which were reduced significantly in both seasons. All growth attributes values at the different sample dates in both seasons were increased significantly by inoculation with phosphate dissolving bacteria. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in extractable sucrose%, A.C. and µ-amino-N between both varieties with and without PDB inoculation. In contrast, K, Na and T.S.S. percentages were decreased significantly with inoculation by PDB. In each plant varieties, the response of sugar beet plants without PDB to the increasing of chicken manure (OM) application was vigorous and highly significant. On the other hand, the sugar beet plants inoculated with the PDB had a slight difference and not significant at different OM rates in both varieties. In general, the bacteria have a significant effect when an organic matter level was very low. It can be concluded that inoculation with phosphate dissolving bacteria singly or application of chicken manure singly or combination of them had significantly increased all sugar beet growth attributes and quality parameters under the same conditions of this experiment. Also, Lados variety produced higher sugar beet growth attributes and quality parameters compared to the other variety TWS 1436
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