Effect of Chemical Mutagens on Vegetative Growth and Flowering in Calendula Officinalis L. (Cv. Calypso Yellow

Document Type : Original Article


Botanical Garden Research Al-Montaza, Horticultural Research Institute, A.R.C. Alex. Egypt.


The experiments were carried out to study the effect of different concentrations of two chemical mutagens; Sodium Azide (SA) and Diethyl Sulphate (DES); on some morphological traits in the M1-and M2-generations of Calendula officinalis (L.) c.v. Calypso Yellow. Seeds were treated with different SA and DES concentrations : 0 ( distilled water), 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 ppm. Germination percentage, plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, fresh weight, dry weight, number of inflorescences, inflorescences diameter, flowering date, leaf total chlorophyll, and root length were recorded. Both chemical mutagens was found to have significant effects in M1- generation with respect to dry weight, inflorescences diameter, flowering date, total leaf chlorophyll. The results clarified that DES significantly increased dry weight, total leaf chlorophyll. The different concentrations had significant effect in M1– generation with respect to seed germination percentage, plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight, flowering date, inflorescences diameter, total leaf chlorophyll content. While both chemical mutagens have significant effect the M2- generation with respect to number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight, number of inflorescences, inflorescences diameter, flowering date and root length. The interaction between the two chemical mutagens and the concentrations treatments exerted significant effects for most of the studied parameters.


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