The Role of Scientific Research and Government Expenditure in Achieving Sustainable Development in The Agriculture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center-Giza- Egypt

2 Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AERI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egypt


The research aimed mainly at studying and analyzing indicators of scientific research, as well as government expenditure directed to the agricultural sector, as well as studying the interrelationship between added value and each of the indicators of scientific research and innovation, and government expenditure on the agricultural sector. The research used the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach (ARDL). p, q)], as well as testing the extent to which there is a causal or mutual relationship between these variables using the Pairwise Granger Causality Tests. The results showed an improvement in the index of sustainable development and innovation, and Egypt's ranking in the field of international publishing during the period (2000-2021) as a result of Egypt's interest in R&D and expansion of projects that depend on modern technology and stimulating patents. The results also showed an increase in expenditure on R&D, an increase in expenditure on education, as well as the added value of agriculture during the study period. Finally, the results showed that there is a positive and statistically significant effect of the value of expenditure on R&D, the increase in scientific articles published in the agricultural field, the number of researchers per million people, government expenditure on agriculture, the number of graduates of agricultural faculties, and Egypt’s ranking in international publishing on the added value of the agricultural sector in the long and short run, which confirms the direct relationship of these variables in raising the economic efficiency of production factors.


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