Response of Maize Hybrid to Biofertilization, Soil Nitrogen Application and Weed Control

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Production Dept., Fac. of Agriculture, Saba Basha, Alexandria University


Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture (Saba
Basha), Alexandria University, during 2007 and 2008 summer seasons. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of biofertilization, VA-mycorrhizal inoculation, soil nitrogen application and weed control on growth attributes, yield and yield components of maize hybrid cultivar, namely, three-way cross 310 (T.W. C. 310).
The obtained results indicated that the combined treatment of VAM-fungi, and cerealen bio-fertilizers
supported by 105.0 kg N/ha, had positive significant effects on all the studied characters. The combination of VA-mycorrhizal and biofertilizer of cerealen in addition to a rate of 105.0 kg N/ha, was the
best treatment to obtain the highest growth attributes, yield, yield components and weed characters of
T.W.C.310.The highest grain yield/ha, total dry weight and weed characters were obtained from hand hoeing
twice, atrazine inoculation with VA-mycorrhiza, biofertilizers cerealen and fertilized with 105.0kg N/ha.


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