Determinants of Quality of Life Among a Sample of Rural People in Gharbia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Agriculture -Tanta University


Quality of life is a developmental requirement because it relates to the human and social dimension and a useful tool for assesses policies and orients social intervening programmes. This research was conducted to measure the quality of life from three indicators that reflect the subjective, existential, and objective perception; As well as to evaluate the impact of some determinants and their relationship to quality of life. To achieve these objectives, A sample of three hundred rural heads of households was selected based on gender. A personal interview technique was used to gather the data. Means, standard deviation, percentages, and multivariate analysis using the multiple linear regression method was used to assess the research hypotheses. The most important results indicated that the most important determinants with a unique significant effect; and the largest in terms of explanatory predictive power of quality of life were the quality of the general society; social support; decent standard of living in community; the environmental condition of community; the illness status of participant; and modernity. To address these determinants, long-term policies may be needed to provide a good quality of life for rural people. Applications of these results to understanding the quality of life in the Egyptian rural context and the most important determinants were discussed.


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