Production of Ras Cheese Analogue by Partially or Totally Substitution of Milk Fat with Palm Oil

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Food and Dairy Science &Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Damanhour, 22516, Egypt.

2 Dairy Technology Research Department, Food Technology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

3 Department of Dairy Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt.


Production of Ras Cheese with partially or totally substitution of milk fat with palm oil was investigated. The produced imitation Ras cheese was stored for ripening at 12ºC ±2 for 3 months. Tests were carried out when fresh and after 30, 60 and 90 days. Compositional quality tests included the determination of moisture%, total protein, fat, ash and salt, as well as qualitative tests included titratable acidity, pH, soluble nitrogen, free amino acids, free fatty acids, texture profile analysis and microbiological analyses were carried out during cheese ripening. The sensory evaluation was carried out at the end of ripening period (90 days).
The results showed that replacing milk fat with successive ratios of palm oil resulted in a considerable increase in moisture content, consequently total solids were dropped. As the storage period progressed, the percentages of fat, total protein, salt, and ash were increased. The free fatty acids and the soluble nitrogen had a negative correlation with the replacing of milk fat with palm oil. Through the 90 days ripening period, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness of the product have been increased. Complete replacing of milk fat with palm oil decreased the flavor acceptability while replacing of 2% milk fat with palm oil was not sensible and has no effect on the overall acceptability. Therefore, adulteration of milk fat with palm oil up to 2% in the milk for manufacturing of Ras cheese cannot be detected by costumers. This issue needs more focusing of authorities to avoid such jugglery in Ras cheese markets.


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