Land Evaluation of Old Irrigated Soils in The Middle of Delta Region

Document Type : Original Article


1 Soil & Water Dept., Fuculty of Agric., Alexandria University.

2 Soils, Water and Env. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Egypt.


Quantified land evaluation of soils at Kafer El–Sheikh and El-Gharbia governorates at the middle delta region was carried out. These soils represent 20000 feddan of El-Gahwagy area (20000 feddan which located between Kafr El–Sheikh and Qoutur district. Land capability and suitability for different crops were assessed through defining and determining soil physical and chemical properties, irrigation water quality, nutrients status as well as climatic data. ASLE program (Applied System of Land Evaluation) was used to calculate land capability and crop suitability. Results indicate that the soils of the studied area were classified into two land capability classes: class 2 (Good) and class 3 (Faire). Each class has one or more of different sub classes according to the limiting factors. The limiting factors for land capability are: the relatively low soil permeability, shallow ground water table in some parts, as well as ground water salinity and low levels of soil organic matter and nutrients especially N, P, and K. Concerning land suitability, different crops can be grown in these soils such as barely, wheat, sugar beet,alfalfa, sunflower, cotton and rice in the order indicated. Other crops can not be cultivated such as pepper, Citrus trees, Date palm, Olive, Fig and Peanut.

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