Isolation, Phylogenetic Analysis and Screening of Biosurfactants Producing By Locally Isolated Bacteria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Agriculture – Saba Basha Genetic Department Alexandria University, Egypt.

2 Environmental Biotechnology Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute (GEBRI), City for Scientific Research and Technology Application, Egypt.

3 Arid lands Cultivation and Development Research Institute Soil and water Technologies Department (Soil Microbiology), City for Scientific Research and Technology Applications, Egypt. Tel: 002 0105420541, 0020 3 4593422, Fax: 0020 3 4593423


Biosurfactants or surface-active compounds are produced by microoaganisms. These molecules reduce surface tension both aqueous solutions and hydrocarbon mixtures. 45 bacterial strains previously isolated from petrochemical wastes around Oil Refinery Company in Tanta, Al Ggharbiyah, Egypt. Selection  and screening of biosurfactant producer(s), via four different biioassays; (i) surface tension measurements, (ii) blood hemolysis test, (iii) drop-collapsing test, and (iv) emulsification test. Two isolates coded 3C.A and C1 respectively were chosen to be the best candidates for biosurfactant production. The highest production of biosurfactants produced by 3C.A isolate grown on medium supplemented with 3g/L ammonium sulfate as a nitrogen source and (4%) glucose as carbon source and incubated at 37°C. The biosurfactants were found capable of producing a relatively stable emulsion hydrocarbon at pH 7 and thermostable for 1 hour at 75 °C, based on the value of surface tension. The phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA and physiological characzterization indicated that the isolates of strain 3C.A and C1 as well Bacillus subtilis Eg1 and pseudonamnas sp respectivly.


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