Priming Seeds with Urea-Loaded Nanocellulose to Enhance Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Germination

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University

2 Soil and Water Sciences Dept., Faculty of Agric., Alexandria University, Egypt

3 teaching assistant - Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University


The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of priming wheat seeds (Triticum aestivum, Giza171 local wheat genotype) with bulk cellulose (BC) and nano-cellulose crystals (NC) aqueous solutions and their urea-loaded formulations on different germination parameters. BC was extracted from rice straw. NC was prepared from BC through bleaching, acid hydrolysis, and flocculation processes. Priming treatments were prepared using six BC and NC concentrations, three urea concentrations, and their combinations in a completely randomized design with three replicates. Seeds were soaked in the treatment solutions for 3 hrs, and then germinated on wet filter papers in Petri dishes for 7 days at 28ºC.  Results revealed that NC treatments significantly increased root length and surface area, and vigor index compared to BC treatments which had significant positive effect on Germination percentage, root fresh weight, and root radius. The concentration of 0.5% BC or 0.3% NC recorded the significantly highest values of all parameters except root radius. Although application of 0.5% urea significantly increased root fresh weight and root radius, significant reduction in Germination percentage, root length, and vigor index was observed. According to the statistical analysis of the vigor index data obtained, priming wheat seeds using 0.3% NC without urea loaded is the most efficient treatment to enhance germination of wheat seeds.


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