Farmer's Wives' Knowledge of Dairy Cattle Mastitis Disease, and Producing Healthy Clean Milk, in Itay El-Barod - El-Behaira Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Extension Education Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University,

2 Extension Education Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University


This research is mainly aimed to study Farmer's wives' Knowledge of Dairy Cattle Mastitis Disease, And Producing Healthy Clean Milk in Berqamah, and Al-khawald villages, in Itay El-barod - El- behaira governorate.  The data were collected using a questionnaire with a personal interview of 50 Farmers wives from itch village, which were randomly selected from the Farmer's wives of the holders that was inferred from agricultural cooperative associations. Statistical methods such as percentage, frequency tables, range, standard deviation, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient, forward Step wise multiple regression analysis, and T test used to explain and interpret the results.
The most important findings were:

The value of the partial regression coefficient for the agricultural land tenure variable was 1.014, and he is solely responsible for the interpretation 22.2% in the variance that may occur in the level of the respondent's total knowledge.
Significant differences between the mean scores of the respondents in the Berqamah and Al-Khawald villages in favor of the respondents in Berqama village.



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