Using of Siwi Date in Production of Some New Juices

Document Type : Original Article


Agri-Industrialization Unit, Plant Production Department, Desert Research Center


Siwi cultivar is the most important simi-dry date cultivars in Egypt, its khalal stage has low price and marketing value as a result of its short shelf-life. So, this work aims to utilize Siwi fruits at khalal stage in production of new juices (pure or mixed with pomegranate or cinnamon), as well as evaluate these new juices chemically, sensory and microbiologically during three months of storage at room temperature. The obtained results showed that, date juice blends with pomegranate or cinnamon had higher content of polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins in comparison with pure date juice, whereas pomegranate led to decrease TSS, reducing and total sugars in opposite situation with cinnamon. Also, adding pomegranate or cinnamon led to improve the microbial quality of the produced juices comparing to pure date juice. Results of sensory evaluation demonstrated that all studied date juices are accepted organoleptically. These mentioned results proposed that, Siwi date fruits at khalal stage (separately or combined with pomegranate or cinnamon) could be used in production of new, delicious and nutritional juices. 


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