An Econometric Study for The Demand of Animal Protein Sources in The Arab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Menoufia University


This paper employs Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) approach to investigate demand for the most important sources of animal protein in Egypt throughout the period (1997-2019) considering individual incomes and their associated expenditure level. However, animal protein in this study is composed of red meat (Candoz), poultry meat (farm chicken), fish meat (tilapia), eggs and buffalo milk. In addition, it aims to explore their price seasonality. The results suggest that demand price elasticity for red meat, poultry, fish, eggs and milk is inelastic, whereas for income elasticity, it shows that the above mentioned protein sources are necessary goods. Meanwhile, complementary and supplementary relationships haven been revealed among the five sources for cross elasticity.


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