A Comparative Study for The Economic Indicators of The Dry Beans Crop Within Water Users Associations in Nubaria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Department of Economics and Agricultural Business Administration - Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University

2 Ph.D. Department of Economics and Agricultural Business Administration - Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University

3 Arid Lands Cultivation Research Institute, City Of Scientific Research And Technological Application, New Borg El-Arab, 21934, Alexandaria, Egypt .


The research mainly aimed to identify the importance of water user associations in increasing the productivity and improving the productivity of the water unit of the dry beans crop in the Nubaria region, by studying the most important features and economic and productive indicators, and estimating the indicators of economic and technical efficiency of the beans dry in the Water Users Associations. The study was based on field data collected from a random sample of dry beans farmers, members and non-members of the water users associations in Salah Al-Abd village. The sample observations were 100 farmers, representing about 18.28% of the total number of crop farmers in the village. The sample items were distributed according to the membership of water users associations, and the research relied on the use of simple regression models and cost functions, in addition to estimating some indicators of economic efficiency and productivity, Dummy variable was used in the regression model to reflect the impact of the membership of effect  irrigation water users associations on these indicators. The most important results revealed the following:

Ø It was found that there was a significant effect on each of the productivity of the water unit, the productivity of feddan, the price of a ton, the total revenue, the variable production costs, the total costs of the ton, the total margin of the feddan, the net return per feddan, the net return on the kg, the return on the spent pound, the percentage of total revenue To variable costs, total revenue per unit of water, net revenue per unit of water, productivity per unit of water of the dry beans crop of the member of Water Users Associations. While there was an insignificant effect for each of the fixed costs per feddan, the total costs per feddan, the farm margin, and the amount of irrigation water used.
By estimating the cost function, it was found that the indicators of the economic efficiency for the member farmers are better than the non-member farmers. It was also found that the optimum output of the members was about 1.13 tons/feddan, while it was for the non-members about 0.97 tons/feddan., and the volume of the maximum profit output for members amounted to about 1.21 tons/feddan, while for non-members it amounted to 1.01 tons/feddan.



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