Response of Anna Apple Trees to Foliar Application of Moringa Oil

Document Type : Original Article


Olive Res. Dept. Hort. faculty of agriculture, sohag uni.


Anna apple trees received Moringa oil at 0.025 to 0.2% once, twice, thrice or four times during 2018 and 2019 seasons. The merit was examining the effect of different concentrations and frequencies of Moringa oil on the growth and fruiting of anna apple.
Using Moringa oil at various concentrations and frequencies announced the promotion on growth, tree nutritional status, yield and fruit quality compared to the check treatment. The promotion was materially associated with increasing concentration and frequencies of Moringa oil. Increasing concentrations from 0.1 to 0.2% and frequencies from three to four times had a negligible promotion on the investigated parameters.
The best results with regard to yield and fruit quality of Anna apple trees were obtained due to treating the trees three times with Moringa at 0.1%.


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