How Does Organizational Climate Contribute to Job Satisfaction and Commitment of Agricultural Extension Personnel in New Valley Governorate, Egypt?

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, New Valley University, Kharga, Egypt

2 Department of Rural Society and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Egypt

3 Department of Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension,Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt,


This research aimed to 1) explore the organizational climate of the agricultural extension in New Valley Governorate, 2) explore the status quo of job satisfaction and commitment of extension personnel in the New Valley Governorate, and 3) investigate the impact of agricultural extension organizational climate on job satisfaction and commitment of extension personnel. Data were collected using the questionnaire form during January to February 2021, from a sample of 25 Extension personnel representing 37.3% of their total number in New Valley Governorate (67 Personnel). Frequencies, mean, standard deviation and stepwise regression analysis were used for data presentation and analysis. Findings revealed that the respondents’ perceptions overall mean score of the organizational climate reached 68.26% of the total score, their job satisfaction is 73.6% of the total score, and their organizational commitment reached 68.4% of the total score. Findings also show that the variable of “Efficiency” contribute to the interpretation of 19.6% and 57.7% of variance of the Job Satisfaction and Employees' Commitment, respectively. Other variable influenced the Job Satisfaction is “Outward Focus” which contributed 37% of the explanation of the variance of the overall Job Satisfaction. Results also revealed that the variable of " Clarity of Organizational Goals" is contributed to the interpretation of 10.7% of variance of the Job Satisfaction. Based on the previous results the null hypotheses numbers 10, 12, 13, and 31 could be rejected, while the remaining null hypotheses couldn’t be rejected.


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