Production Efficiency Analysis of Integrated Aquaculture Systems in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Economics and Agribusiness Management - Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University

2 Department of Economic Studies - Division of Economic and Social Studies - Desert Research Center

3 Department of Economics and Agribusiness Management - College of Desert and Environmental Agriculture - Matrouh University


In spite of the spread of integrated Aquaculturesystems with plants in Egypt, the official statistics of the General Authority for Fish Resources Development have devoid of reference to the productivity of these systems even though they are among the most productive systems that can be exploited not only to benefit from increased yield, but also to use. Optimizing land and water, finding simpler methods to control pollution, improve management of productive factors, as well as high quality and increase the safety of food produced.
 The fish farming system in earthen ponds is still the dominant system and the most widespread in Egypt. Therefore, the research aimed at estimating the economic efficiency of integrated Aquaculturesystems in Egypt. Identifying the most important problems facing integrated Aquaculturein Egypt and the most important proposed solutions.
It has been shown by estimating the productive efficiency according to the concept of constant return to capacity for the closed integrated Aquaculturesystem that the average production efficiency has reached about 0.57, meaning that the same level of fish production can be achieved using only 57% of the actual combination. Of the inputs used in the production process, as it has been shown by estimating the production efficiency according to the concept of variable return of capacity that the average production efficiency has reached about 0.89, meaning that the same level of fish production could be achieved by using only 89% of the actual combination of inputs used in the production process.
Open integration and according to the concept of constant return to capacity, the average production efficiency has reached about 0.51, meaning that the same level of fish production can be achieved using only 51% of the actual combination of inputs used in the production process, and according to the concept of variable return of capacity, the average production efficiency has reached About 0.75, meaning that the same level of fish production can be achieved by using only 75% of the actual combination of inputs used in the production process.

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