Economic Returns to Redirect of Imports Egypt and Saudi Arabia of Wheat

Document Type : Original Article



The research problem considers the issue of food occupies represents the first rank as the provision of food for the population and represents a major objective of economic policy in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Egypt and Saudi Arabia from a gap between consumption and production, forcing the country to plug between both domestic production and consumption Local through imports from world markets.
Targeting this research aims to guide international trade of wheat in order to achieve availability of consumer needs of wheat for the population with now looks bill wheat imports borne by the Egyptian and Saudi Arabia economy to achieve availability of consumer quality and reasonable prices for food security with respect to commodity wheat, and to achieve this goal the search use the approach linear programming to know the better distribution of imports of wheat, which is achieved by minimizing the import bill in light of restrictions are in the export capacity of the exporting countries, in addition to the restriction on the size of energy import of wheat and price per ton of imports from each country, has reached this search that the first alternative and private distribute imported quantities of Wheat free way to different countries as the least expensive and under export capacity of these countries export, has achieved the highest rates provide for the import bill of wheat, where he achieved for Egypt ratio provided estimated at around 24.67% for current model for the period (1990-2009), and about 55.5% for expected model in 2017, also achieved a first alternative also higher rates of saving in the import bill of wheat in Saudi Arabia where achieved ratio provided estimated at around 13.6% for current model for the period (1990-2009) and about 10% for expected model and that in 2017.




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