Factors Associated with Binifiting of Rural Women in Some of Family Aspects from The Rural Tv Programs in Some Villages in Alexandria and Behaira Governorates

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the parameters associated with the benefiting of rural women in some of family aspects from the rural TV. programs.
Data have been collected out of from a random sample of 200 rural women from some villages in Alexandria and Behaira Governorates.
The main findings are:
1-    Decending percentage of high benefiting from the rural TV. Programs to (26.5%) only, the moderate benefiting to (43%) and the lowest benefiting to (30.5%).
2-    There is an association between the benefiting of the rural women from the rural TV. programs and each of: educational level, job of the rural woman, standard of living, civilization degree, home innovations and degree of regular viewing of rural TV. programs.

Main Subjects