Use of Internet by Female Students Special Householding and Home Management in Faculty of Home Economics Riyadh City and Their Benefit Regarding Some Requirements of Their Curriculaum

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims primarily to the study and the use of female students, special house holding and home management in faculty of home economics in Riyadh city, for the internet and the degree of benefit in fulfilling some requirements of curricula.
The research comprises all female students from research sample which is 200 interviewees, and evaluating the questionnaires that were already collected through interviewing. The research leads to the following results:
1. The age of the majority of interviewees fall in the category of 19 to 20 years, and 96% of them own a computer, 90% of them use internet at their homes, and 73% of them have experience between 3 and 8 years in using internet. On the other hand, recreation sites were on the top of those sites the interviewees use.
2. The majority of interviewees (92.5%) use the internet as means of recreation. They also use seven procedures for the security, among of them are anti-virus procedure.
3. The interviewees use internet in fulfilling some requirements of curriculum according to their specialization. Most of the curricula are house burnishing and decoration (52%) and the house interior design (51.5%).   

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