The Impact of Some Variables on The Attitudes of Citrus’ Farmers Toward The Alternative Pestsides Use in Some Villages At Eltahady Area, South and West Eltahreer, Elbeheira Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Agricultural Extension Education - Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University

2 Extension Research Institute and Rural Development - Agricultural Research Center - Giza


This research aims mainly to study the impact of some Variables on the attitudes of citrus’ farmers toward the alternative pestsides use in some villages at Eltahady area, south and west Eltahreer, Elbeheira Governorate and this goal will be achieved through a series of sub-goals are: 1- Determining the degrees of respondent ś attitudes of pesticidies alternatives use  in pest control of citrus fruits, 2- studying some social economic and communicational characteristics for citrus growers respondentsm 3- Studying the correlation between the social economic and communicational characteristics of respondents as independent variables and degree of their attitudes towards the use of pesticides alternatives,  4- Determine the degree of contribution of independent variables considered relevant in the interpretation of variation in the degree of farmer’s attitude towards pesticides alternatives.
 The research was carried out on a random sample of 120 respondents. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Statistical tools which ware used to analysis data were percentage, frequencies, mean, standard deviation, simple correlation, multiple correlation, multiple regression, (F) test, (T) test, using the SPSS statistical analysis program.
 Results revealed that: 1 – increasing of respondent’s level of educational, their level ambitions, their cosmopolitans on external world, and their change attitudes. 2- Decreasing of respondent’s level of information courses exposure, their pesticides alternative knowledge, their attitudes toward agriculture extension. 3- Increasing of respondents attitudes toward pesticides alternative using in citrus. 4- their were two independent variables (information sourses and pesticides alternative knowledge) explain 12.6% of the variation of respondents attitudes toward pesticides alternative using.    

Main Subjects