Rural Women Practices Related to Keeping Food Away from Contamination and Their Relation to Some Variables in Kafr Aldwar in Al Bohera Governorate.

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher at the Research Institute of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development


This Research aimed to study some variables related to rural women's practices in keeping food away from contamination during the purchase,preparation,cooking, food  handling and preservation after cooking ,regarding cleanliness and respondents beheviour in the kitchen .
Data were collected by questionnaire through personal interviews with random sample consisted of 140 rural respondents in Zohra and Aloken villages in Bohera Goveronrate.
Percentages, frequencies, person correlation and Chi square were used in data analysis.
Data indicated the the following results:
-        95.29% of respondents were found in the category of low level of keeping food away from contamination.
-        50.70%, 58.57%, 60.71%, 48.58%, 53.57% of respondents respectively were found in the category of middle level of keeping food away from contamination during purchase, preparation, cook, food preservation ,regarding cleanliness, respondents beheviour in the kitchen and total practices of keeping food away from contamination.
* A significant relationship was found between educational status of the respondents and their husbands as independent variables and keeping food away from contamination as dependent variables.
* Negative relationship was found between respondents age and family members as independent variables and keeping food away from contamination as dependent variables.

Main Subjects