Opinions and Enthusiasm of Girls for Purchasing Clothes, Accessories and Upholstery Via Media in Sharkia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article



The Aim of this Research is to find out the opinions and enthusiasm of girls for purchasing clothes, accessories and beddings via media (Internet, TV and catalogues). This study included 127 girls from Zagazig city; Sharkia Governorate was randomly chosen as a purposive sample and belong to different social and economic levels. The tools of the research are represented as the opinions and enthusiasm of girls for purchasing clothes, accessories and beddings via media. The most important purchases, which each girl buys. Purchasing practices of the girls. Questionnaire about the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing via media form the girls. The enthusiasm of the owners of clothing, accessories and upholstery stores for displaying their goods via media under study. The descriptive, analytical method was carried out in this study. Our result results indicated that 4.7% of the study sample are continuously purchasing via internet and Facebook, 21.3% purchasing occasionally, while about 74% do not purchase clothes, accessories and upholstery via internet. On the other hand, continuous of purchasing via TV lacked, 10.2% occasionally purchasing while 89.8% do not deal with TV. Regards to purchasing via catalogues, 56.7% are not purchasing via catalogues as the highest ratio, followed by 35.4% occasionally purchasing and the lowest is 7.9% of continuous purchasing. Frequencies for purchasing clothes, accessories and upholstery via media indicate that the highest ratio for purchasing clothes was bought mantels, dresses, soiree dresses, isdals and underwear as 1.6%. Whereas, accessories, and scarves represented 3.1% for both, 2.4% for makeup, 1.8% for perfumes and 1.6 % for shoes. The highest ratio of purchasing throw internet was 2.4% upholstery followed by 1.6% for sheets and blankets. The obtained results revealed the increase of the ratio of the girls who do not purchase clothes, accessories and upholstery via TV.  The highest ratio for purchasing clothes via catalogues was for sleepwear about 6.3%, 5.5% for mantles and soirees and 4.7 for dresses. While, purchasing clothes accessories via catalogues, perfumes and makeup were the highest ratio at 7.9% and 7.1% in succession. Upholstery purchasing via catalogues, sheets come the highest ratio at 6.3%. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between the educational level of the girl and each of purchasing via internet and TV, purchasing practices and the sum of the benefits of information presented in internet and TV.
Statistically significant positive correlation was found between the educational level of the parents and purchasing clothes, accessories and upholstery via internet.
Statistically significant positive correlation at a significance level of 0.01 was found between the educational level of the mother and purchasing via both TV and catalogues.


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