Factores Related to Adjustment Among Students in Alexandria University Dormatories

Document Type : Original Article


Home Economics Department - College of Agriculture - University of Alexandria


The main objective of this study was to study factors related to student's adjustment among a sample from Alexandria University dormatories.
The sample consisted of 119 male and 123 female students who were in the first and fourth level in college. Data were collected using questionnaire. It included: personal and family characteristics ,problems facing students, facilities and service offered, lonely feeling, family unity, self esteem, and student's adjustment.
Data were analyzed statistically. Result  indicate that 16.1% of the sample had weak family unity, fair family unity was among 63.6% .
64.5% of the students had fair self esteem to wards them selves.level of adjustment was high among 13.6% and fair among 74.8% of  the sample. 97.1 %of the students were satisfied about services offered.


Main Subjects