Toward Evaluation and Classification of Facebook As an Extension Knowledge Transfer Method to The Rural Women in some Public Health Fields in One Village of Dakahlia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Society - College of Agriculture - Mansoura University


This study has aimed to evaluate and classify the most famous social media site (facebook) as an extension method to prove its effectiveness for extension knowledge and information transferring. Fifteen professors of Agricultural Extension participated in classification of the social media sites. The study was carried out on a purposive sample of 100 rural women in Meet Khamees village, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. Data were collected by means of personal interview and electronic questionnaires from March to July 2020 and statistically analyzed with frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean and Wilcoxon test.
The main findings obtained from this work are:
1- The highest ranked extension needs from the studied public health fields were the prophylaxis (prevention) of coronavirus, breast cancer and diabetes mellitus with means of 97.4, 87.5 and 83.1, respectively.
2-   There were significant differences between the levels of rural women knowledge before and after dealing with facebook site concerning with the prevention field from coronavirus, breast cancer and diabetes mellitus (p < 0.01).
3- In the field of utilizing, advantages and disadvantages of social media, utilization in case of crises and disasters achieved the highest rank followed by the ease of utilization and finally the most advantageous was the ease of rumors spreading with relative weights of 88.0, 93.6 and 89.0%, respectively.
4- The results of content analysis revealed that the interacted women percentage with the presented topics in the most three needed fields by means of gestures was 15.9%, by means of writing was 9.5% and by means of watching was 92.2%.
5- According to the relative, quantitative and qualitative classification, professors classification of social media sites was public, audio-visual, semi-personal, semi-direct and writing lingual illustrative methods with ratios of 91.1, 93.3, 100, 95.5 and 100%, respectively.


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