Analytical Study of Rural Women’s Knowledge of Health and Preventive Measures in Sharkia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt


The objective of this research was to identify some general characteristics or rural women. Sources of information on which rural woman rely in the areas of health and prevention and their relative importance. The availability.utilization and relative importance of village health services and activities. Level of rural women’s knowledge of health and preventive measures in the five areas studied. namely (health education. healthy nutrition. first aid. reproductive health and family planning. prevention of coronavirus) their relative importance and their relationship with independent variables studied. Measuring the gap between the degree of actual and total knowledge of rural women. Level and relative importance  of rural women’s practice of health and preventive actions in the five areas considered. correlations between them and the above- mentioned independent variables. and Level of rural women’s knowledge of health and preventive actions. Measuring the gap between actual and total practice of rural women. this research was conducted in some villages in Sharkia Governorate. The research sample was 168 rural households and data was collected from January to March 2022. One of the most important findinds of the research is the average level of  rural women’s knowledge. A significant correlation between the degree of rural women’s knowledge of health and preventive actions. the trend towards change and the level of exposure to information source and an inverse correlation with wife age. psychological stress and husband age. Rural women’s practice is high. A significant association was found wih monthly gourd. the trend towards change. exposure to information sources


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