Differential Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Their Potential for Stimulating Plant Growth and Seed Yield of Common Bean

Document Type : Original Article


1 Horticulture Dept.Faculty of Agriculture,Damanhour Branch

2 Horticulture Dept.Faculty of Agriculture,Damanhour Branch Alex. Univ.

3 Agronomy Dept. Faculty of Agriculture, saba Basha, Alex. Univ.

4 Agricultural research center, Alex.


Two field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Farm of Faculty of agriculture Damanhour Branch, Alexandria University at El-Bostan region to evaluate the effects of phosphorous solubilizing bacteria( PDB) (Bacillus megaterium as a commercial product Phosphorein), and Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (Glomus macrocarpium) with four different fertilization levels of inorganic phosphorus (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg P2O5 fed.-1) on the growth, seed yield, seed protein, N, P and K  contents of seeds of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv."Bronco". The results revealed that Inoculation of common bean seeds with Mycorrhiza gave significantly higher  mean values of dry seed yield fed.-1  than those inoculated with Phosphorein in both seasons also the inoculation of common bean seeds with Mycorrhiza or Phosphorein and application of 60 or 90 kg P2O fed-1. was the best combined treatment Moreover, inoculation with VAM or PDB under the applied P-mineral levels supply reflected significant difference on the percentage of N, P and protein content  in dry seeds in both seasons.
Polynomial quadratic models were established and used to describe seed yield responses of bean plants inoculated with Phosphorein or Mycorrhiza in combination with four different levels of P-mineral. The equation constants were used to calculate maximum rates of P fertilizer (Pmax) and the corresponding maximum yields (Ymax.) for all treatments. 


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