The Influence of Mulching on the Physical Properties of Agricultural Environment

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Production and Protection Department, Agriculture College &veterinary medicine, Buraydh, Qassim University, KSA Received December 15,2020, Accepted Januury 11, 2021


The wide use of mulch by the agricultural system in most parts of the world and with multiple applications, is necessary to improve our knowledge of the effects of mulching on soil physical properties. Thus, this review a critically explains the mechanism of this application. Generally, it affects a field's energy balance by changing the surface radiation budget, by modifying the albedo of the soil surface or shading the soil surface. This has an effect on net radiation. The effect of mulching on evaporation is that it breaks up capillary diffusion and this depends on the type of mulch. Mulching also affects soil water content and soil temperature, the extent to which depends on the type and thickness of the mulch, the soil texture type and climatic conditions. Several studies have reported that the influence of mulching on greenhouse gas emissions is unclear.


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