Environmental, Economic and Health Impact Related to Handling and Recycling of Household Solid Waste in Idku - Buhaira Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Home Economics - Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University

2 Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria university


The research aimed mainly at studying the environmental, economic and health impact associated with the circulation and recycling of household solid waste in the city of Idku - Buhaira Governorate. City member.
The research data was collected in the field study by means of a questionnaire whose data were completed in a personal interview, and the data of the second part of the study were collected from the reality of records and official documents and the actual experience of the recycling cycle in the organic fertilizer factory in Idku.
The most important research results related to the evaluation of waste production and handling that the level of production and circulation of household solid waste in the residential neighborhood in which the respondents live was average for 71.3% of the sample, while the level of production and circulation of household solid waste in the respondents' residences was average for 65.2% of the sample, as well as the level of production and circulation Total household solid waste averaged 69.5% of the sample.
The research results showed that 62.4% of the respondents had an average level of environmental return for their household solid waste recycling, and that 65.6% of the respondents had an average level of economic benefit for recycling their household solid waste, also 57.8% of the respondents had an average level of health benefit from recycling household solid waste.
It was also found that there was a direct correlation relationship at the probability level 0.01 between each of  the environmental yield of household solid waste recycling and each of the production and circulation of solid waste in the residential neighborhood and the knowledge, practices and attitudes of the respondents under study towards recycling household solid waste on the environmental impact of recycling household solid waste, the economic benefit of recycling household solid waste, and the health benefit of recycling domestic solid waste by 11%. %, 25.7%, and 13.5%, respectively.
The results related to a case study of waste recycling in the organic fertilizer factory in Idku showed that the quantities of lye that flow periodically to the factory were 130 tons per day, 400 tons per month, and 7450 tons per year, and the waste that is harmful to the environment and that cannot be recycled is disposed of through burning, incineration, and the safe rudder of the resulting ashes through trained workers and under engineering supervision.


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