Determinants of Rural Families Benefiting from Social Protection Arrangements under the “Decent Life” Initiative in ELKom ElAhmar Village, Shebin Elkanater District, Qaliobia Governorate, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, AinShams University Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Rural Society and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Egypt


This research aims to identify the determinants of rural families benefiting from social protection arrangements under the Decent Life Initiative in ELKom ElAhmar Village, Shebin Elkanater, District, Qaliobia Governorate, to identify the correlation between the social and economic variables, and the degree of benefit received by the rural families. The geographical area of the study is El-Kom ElAhmar Village, Shebin El-Kanater District, Al Qaliobia Governorate. Cochran's equation was used to determine the sample size of 250 respondents, (heads of households) representing 10% of rural families’ beneficiaries which consists of a total of 2,224 families. The questionnaire applied via the personal interview to collect the field data, was conducted during February and March 2023. Data collected were coded and analyzed using frequencies, percentages, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise regression. Obtained results of the research were found as follows:

Most of the respondents (57.2%) are in the category of high beneficial level, the respondents (21.6%) are in the category of medium beneficial level, and (21.2%) fall in the category of the low beneficial level of the total sample respondents This result clarifies the significant role played by the "Decent Life" initiative to support the most vulnerable families.
The most significant factors affecting the rural families benefits are; the degree of benefiting from the role of organizations and institutions, the type of social protection programs, and the husband`s age. these factors affect a total of (47.1%), the remaining effect attributed to other variables. These results highlight the importance of the "Decent Life" initiative in supporting the most vulnerable families.



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