Differential Gene Function and Physico-Chemical Properties of Sugar Beet Chromatin

Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. Genetics Fac. of Agric. Alexandria University.

2 Dept. of Biology Fac. of Girls Education Univ. of Elmajmaah. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The present investigation aims at studying the possibility to use the physico-chemical properties of the
purified chromatin as an indicator for transcriptional activity. In order to achieve such a purpose, five different breeding materials of sugar beet are selected and used. These materials are: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Temperature of melting (Tm) estimated in 0C and hyperchromicity were estimated at 260 nm and 280 nm, as well as the chemical compositions of chromatin; DNA; Histones; non histones and total proteins. The chemical compositions, relative to DNA showed that different chemical compositions; temperature of melting; hyperchromicity, and repressed fraction of genome were obtained, giving a strong evidence that these molecular biomarkers might be used in breeding program of sugar beet. In conclusion the present investigation recommends the use of physico-chemical properties as a molecular biomarker to measure the transcriptional activity of plant materials.